Self-Service Book Sterilize Machine


Taking consideration of the current Covid-19 pandemic outbreak circumstances, Libraries are worry to open operation to public. While public too are worry to step into libraries for book circulation process. ?? Because books surface also possible in touch to germs and virus too! ?

Lemonjar hereby to introduce the SELF-SERVICE BOOK STERILIZE MACHINE to able to assist to lighten the risk of infection. The BOOK STERILIZE MACHINE is a ‘refrigerator-look-alike’ machine that can be locate at the main library floor, next to entrance or before counter, where public can self-service to Sterilize the books before returning to counters, or even after borrow before bringing out from the library. ? Every action will only take a 30-second ‘Book Shower’ cleaning process. Once complete, users can take out the books and circulate as usual. ?

Healthy Books! Healthy Body! ?

Contact us at / for further product inquiries!

Stay safe and take good care all~ ?

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